IEM Spotlight: Luis Monterrubio, Geospatial Programs Lead (English)
An interview with Luis Monterrubio, IEM Puerto Rico’s Geospatial Programs Lead.
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An interview with Luis Monterrubio, IEM Puerto Rico’s Geospatial Programs Lead.
Una entrevista con Luis Monterrubio, el Jefe de Programas Geoespaciales de IEM Puerto Rico.
A raíz de la pandemia de Coronavirus, es muy importante que todos tomen precauciones para salvaguardar su salud y proteger a los demás en nuestras comunidades, particularmente aquellos con condiciones de salud existentes.
Es una cuestión de cuándo, no si el coronavirus se disemine. Aquí están algunos pasos prácticos sobre cómo puede prepararse mejor para COVID-19 y que usted y sus seres queridos a salvo.
A medida que el nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19) continúa propagándose por todo el mundo, los expertos en salud pública temen que sea demasiado tarde para evitar que el brote se convierta en una pandemia.
An interview with Jailene Rivera, IEM Puerto Rico’s Trainer for the Repair, Reconstruction, or Relocation Program (R3 Program) in support of Puerto Rico’s Department of Housing
An interview with Carlos Ruiz, IEM Puerto Rico PE Operations Manager.
IEM: Number One in Providing Support for “428” Alternative Procedures In 2013, the Sandy Recovery Improvement Act amended Section 428 of the Stafford Act, authorizing FEMA to enact new Public Assistance Alternative Procedures (PAAP). Commonly referred to as “alternative procedures” or “428”, the new model is intended to reduce disaster costs, streamline delivery and expedite […]
BATON ROUGE, LA, July 6, 2017 – The State of Louisiana Office of Community Development has finalized the process of selecting global security consulting firm IEM as the prime contractor to manage the Restore Louisiana Homeowner Assistance Program. This program is helping eligible Louisiana residents rebuild their homes damaged by the unprecedented and historic floods in […]
This op-ed by IEM VP Bryan Koon appeared in The Hill on January 24, 2018. Four months ago, Hurricane Maria brought untold devastation to the island of Puerto Rico. Countless lives were lost, communities were upended, and billions of dollars in damages were left in the storm’s wake. From the wreckage, we have seen communities […]